The Journey waits for no one.....
I've been thinking lately about how fast life goes, the components of life, what's really important and what's not. This blog is more like therapy than some artistic expression of my soul, although sometimes I hope that it comes across as that--it depends on the mood of the moment.
The Journey waits for no one.....
As often as we replay scenarios from our life in our heads and try to figure out what went wrong and what went right we begin to lose focus to what is right in front of us. I am by no means perfect, but I do like to think that I have perfect moments; when I make my wife laugh, when I know an answer no one else knows, when I save my son from the monster in his room, and when I rescue Pink-Puppy for my daughter. Hitting a home run, passing a test, having the girl say yes, achieving that goal, those are all part of perfect moments. I feel like I've lost most of mine.
The Journey waits for no one.....
I would run, ski, do a reverse lay-up, and have no fear being tackled in a football game. Now I am tender going down a six-inch step. The pain the accompanies my knees seems like it will be along for the rest of the journey. My son asks me to play leap frog, "Sorry buddy, Daddy has a boo-boo." Flash back to my Dad only playing catch with me for ten minutes before his elbow aches.
The Journey waits for no one.....
"You're brilliant" "You're special" "You have the whole world ahead of you!"........"You're average" "You failed" "You didn't get in!."
The Journey waits for no one.....
If there is a God, did the almighty do this on purpose, that is, show us what the good, perfect life is, dangle it like a golden ring, and then pull it away. Ouch, slapped in the face by the reality that is life; the hardship, the pain, the sadness, the loss of hope.
The Journey waits for no one.....
I watch my kids rejoice in bubbles. Bubbles. When did I lose my fascination with Bubbles? I wish I could still belly-laugh at Bubbles. I wish I could pretend to be a fireman, doctor, or repairman. My life is for my wife and children. I live vicariously through them; their pleasure, their pains.
The Journey waits for no one.....
I feel as though I am always waiting for the next....what? I want to enjoy the now, but sometimes I don't know how. I feel as though when I finally catch up to the next it will be too late, I'll be too old. I used to make fun of or complain about old people, but I realize that in a blink of an eye I will be there too.
The Journey waits for no one.....
I want to start living, really living; for my family and for myself. I want to make their journey worth it; worth being on this planet, worth living this life. How do I start? I start now........
You are not average, and you are not a failure. YOU ARE NOT!
Sometimes things are harder...sometimes there is a divide made by time or fear or the fact that I fall asleep most nights putting the kids to sleep, but I love you. That does not change. I believe in you, even when I say otherwise.
We are in transition, but I believe in my heart that it is to someplace, something, that is better.
I love you! Love me back, okay?
I think everything is fleeting for a purpose. I think this fleetingness points to design, actually, and this surprises me. It lends poignancy to the moment, bitter sweet to the past, puts now into perspective, causes us to live. If we lived infinitude, if we lived a perfect moment always, it would be ordinary only. Let's allow ourselves to rise in those arbitrary times to see the beauty in a bubble, for it is all those other times that we don't, that gives this one significance.
...just talking to a friend about this this morning. Thanks David. This was beautiful.
I believe you are already doing it.
We are made of perfect imperfections. You described moments of perfection so eloquently. The journey definitely waits for no one, it has no pause button. As an old favorite song of mine says, "shows done but the tape keeps rolling can't push stop cause my life is recording". Sometimes I wish for a pause button.
Living for others is one of the most incredible things, it's so fulfilling to give. It's also easy to forget to replenish yourself, we are not endless well springs. A few moments here or there to center ourselves goes a long way to restoring our energy, our faith and our souls so that we can continue to give them freely. Such a poignant post.
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